转义符 | 描述 |
\ |
反斜杠 |
' |
单引号 |
" |
双引号 |
| `
` | 换行符 |
t |
制表符(tab) |
b |
退格符 |
r |
回车符 |
f |
换页符 |
a |
响铃符 |
v |
垂直制表符 |
空字符 |
xhh |
十六进制表示的字符,例如x21 表示字符! |
uhhhh |
Unicode表示的字符,例如u4e2d 表示中文字符“中” |
print("Hello, I'm a "Python" developer.") print("This is a new line. And this is on the same line.") print("This is a tab:tPython") print("This is a backspace: Pythonb") print("This is a bell: Pythona") print("This is a vertical tab: Pythonv") print("This is a null character: Python") print("This is a hexadecimal character: Pythonx21") print("This is a Unicode character: Pythonu4e2d")