  • SpringBoot @FixMethodOrder 调整单元测试顺序
  • SpringBoot Bean加载顺序 Order无效

SpringBoot @FixMethodOrder 调整单元测试顺序

public class ReviewServiceTest {
    ReviewService reviewService;
  • MethodSorters.JVM

Leaves the test methods in the order returned by the JVM. Note that the order from the JVM may vary from run to run (按照JVM得到的方法顺序,也就是代码中定义的方法顺序)

  • MethodSorters.DEFAULT(默认的顺序)

Sorts the test methods in a deterministic, but not predictable, order() (以确定但不可预期的顺序执行)

  • MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING

Sorts the test methods by the method name, in lexicographic order, with Method.toString() used as a tiebreaker (按方法名字母顺序执行)

如果不生效, 应该就是Junit版本问题, 注意这一点

SpringBoot Bean加载顺序 Order无效

    public xxx1 createXxx1() {
        return new xxx1();
    public xxx2 createXxx2() {
        return new xxx2();

经过测试 ,并不起作用。


